white sage bundle
white sage bundle
white sage bundle
white sage bundle
white sage bundle

one mantra

white sage bundle

Sale price€ 26,90
  • Beschreibung

    White Sage...Bye-bye Drama
    Our handcrafted white sage incense bundle is your go-to for banishing bad vibes. Simply light it and watch the powerful smoke blow away the old energies, leaving behind fresh, clear air.

  • Material

    White Sage grows in the deserts of western America, especially in California, and has been used since ancient times to purify environments or in rituals to drive away negative energies. It consists of mixtures of plants and flowers from different origins, which are dried and combined with each other. The intensely aromatic smoke creates an immediate feeling of well-being and lightness.

  • Anwendung

    how to start
    Find a quiet place where you can relax.

    light it up
    Light the sage at the tip with a flame, extinguish it and repeat the process 2-3 times until embers appear.

    pure cleansing
    Move the burning sage clockwise. Concentrate on positive thoughts and intentions. The rising smoke cleanses the energy and creates positive vibes.
    You can also gently draw the smoke over your body to cleanse yourself energetically. Think about things you want to let go of.

    fire is hot, so please don't hurt yourself
    When you are finished or when the sage has stopped burning, carefully extinguish it in the fireproof bowl.

    time for gratitude
    End the ritual in gratitude for the energy created.

  • vial


    Size: 10 cm per stick
    Number: 2 pieces
    Country of origin: California

  • vial


    co2 neutral & safe delivery
    We send our packages with the Austrian Post and DHL. These guarantee a CO2 neutral delivery.

    free shipping from 110 €
    to Austria and Germany within 3 – 5 working days

say that sh*t.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Das White Sage Bundle von one mantra ist einfach fantastisch!

Ich nutze das Bundle regelmäßig für meine Reinigungsrituale und bin jedes Mal aufs Neue begeistert, wie rein und klar die Energie danach in meinem Raum ist. Der Rauch des weißen Salbeis hat etwas Beruhigendes und Erdendes, was meine Meditationen und Yoga-Sessions noch intensiver macht. Besonders schön finde ich die liebevolle Verpackung und die kleinen Details, die das Bundle zu etwas ganz Besonderem machen. Es ist ein Must-Have für alle, die Wert auf spirituelle Reinigung und positive Energie legen.