Frauen, die Yoga und die Welt verändert haben
frauen im yoga

Women who changed yoga and the world

Yoga is more than just a physical practice - it is a philosophy of life that has been shaped by many inspiring women. From Indra Devi, the first female yoga teacher, to modern power women in the yo...
Yoga Retreat: Was ist das eigentlich?
Yoga Retreat

Yoga Retreat: What is it actually?

In our hectic world, many people long for a break from everyday life to bring body and mind back into harmony. A yoga retreat can offer just that. But what exactly is a yoga retreat, who is it suit...
Personen auf Pilatesmatte beige

What is Yogilates? The combination of yoga and Pilates

Yogilates - you may have heard this term before and wondered what it means. Is it more like yoga with a touch of Pilates or more like Pilates with a touch of yoga? In fact, Yogilates is a combinati...
Person auf rutschfester Yogamatte

Yoga vs. Pilates – A Comparison

Yoga and Pilates - two training approaches that may seem similar at first glance, but on closer inspection they have some important differences. Both disciplines place great emphasis on a strong co...
zwei personen auf yogamatte mit hände in gebetshaltung

Benefits of yoga and meditation

Have you ever considered incorporating yoga and meditation into your daily routine? This is not just for esoteric fans - quite the opposite. These two practices can significantly improve your physi...
frau auf einer yogamatte, die somatisches yoga praktiziert
somatic yoga

What is Somatic Yoga - benefits and differences

Somatic yoga is a yoga practice that focuses on awareness of your own body. The term "soma" comes from the Greek and means "body as a whole". The focus here is on experiencing and perceiving your o...
Yogaübungen gegen Rückenschmerzen

Yoga exercises for back pain

Back pain is a common problem that affects many people. Yoga can be an effective way to relieve your pain and strengthen your back muscles. In this article, you will learn which yoga exercises can ...
Selbstliebe: So schaffst du es, dich selbst mehr zu lieben

Self-love: How to love yourself more

  Self love is often misunderstood and confused with selfishness. But it's not the same... While self love means a healthy and respectful relationship with yourself, selfishness describes an e...
Was ist der World Yoga Day?

What is World Yoga Day?

The World Yoga Day is a global event celebrated annually on June 21st. This special day was created to celebrate and spread the countless benefits of yoga. Yoga is not only a physical practice, but...
Deine Morgenroutine für einen guten Start in den Tag

Your morning routine for a good start to the day

Getting up is more than just turning off the alarm and rolling out of bed. It's the start of your day. Today we'll tell you a few things that might help you make your morning a little better and s...
Wie können mich Yogablöcke in meiner Praxis unterstützen?

How can yoga blocks support me in my practice?

Yoga blocks aren't just for beginners! They can help you improve both flexibility and stability. A yoga block can gently guide you into a deeper stretch or serve as a support when you're looking fo...
Was ist ein Mantra? Bedeutung und Ursprung

What exactly is a mantra? Meaning and Origin

Mantra - what is it actually? A mantra is more than just a fancy word or a sound. It is a tool of the mind, an ancient technique for clearing the head and finding inner peace. The word "mantra" com...

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