Wie finde ich meine perfekte Yogamatte?

How do I find my perfect yoga mat?

Imagine experiencing absolute harmony on your non-slip yoga mat during your yoga practice. 💭 The following blog post covers these topics: Why a yoga mat that doesn't slip? How to find a perfect yo...
Welcher Yogastil ist der richtige für mich?

Which yoga style is right for me?

  Find the yoga style that's perfect for you - whether you're a beginner or already rocking your crow pose. From relaxed Hatha to sweaty Bikram, today we're introducing you to different yoga ...
Wie reinige ich meine Yogamatte?
Yogamatte reinigen

How do I clean my yoga mat?

Dust and sweat can collect in your mat like party guests you didn't actually invite. Your yoga mat is more than just a mat - it is your place of refuge, it challenges you and sometimes even se...
Räuchern: die verborgenen Vorteile für Körper und Geist

Experience the benefits of smoking

  Smoking is not a new invention, but an ancient tradition that has been practiced for centuries by various cultures around the world. From the ancient Romans to the indigenous peoples of Am...
Der Ultimative Guide zur Auswahl der perfekten Yogamatte

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Yoga Mat

  A yoga mat is more than just a mat, it offers comfort and support for every exercise and is your faithful companion on your yoga journey. In this guide you will learn everything you need to...
Meditation: Dein Weg zu innerer Ruhe

Meditation: Your path to inner peace

  In our fast-paced world full of challenges and stress, more and more people are looking for effective ways to find relaxation and mental balance. Meditation is one way to not only relieve d...
Wie gründet man ein Yoga-Label?
Founder Story

How do you start a yoga label?

One Mantra is celebrating its third birthday today. Three years that have been rich in experiences and adventures that we would like to share with you. The following blog post covers these topics: ...
Mantras für das Neue Jahr

Mantras for the New Year

The new year 2023 is just around the corner, and with it comes fresh energy and strength to start new things and leave old habits behind. It is a time when many of us make new resolutions and look ...

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